Compositions of Principles

5056 MUG Major

by Graham A C John

12345678   1  2  4  5  6  8
46713258      2     -  -
62713458            2  -
24713658            2  -
12743658            -         
43215678     (-) -* -       |
13425678         2  -       | A
23145678         2  -       |
12345786         -        - |
12345678          11A      

Calling (-) in first A only; Replace -* with Single in 6th and 12th A. Add bob at 1 in first course of 2nd, 4th, 8th and 10th A, and single at 1 in first course of 6th and 12th A.

Contains all 576 combinations of 5678 in 5678 & 1234.

First rung at Salford on 16 March 1974, conducted by Marcus C W Sherwood.

This page was last updated on 3 August 2018 by